"A Lasting Legacy" by Doug Hagedorn is a book that challenges and motivates to live a life that will leave an imprint on the next generation. The entire premise of this book is to live a life that imprints on others using your God given gifts, passing on generational traditions to family, parenting in a Godly way, and remaining faithful. This is essentially a "how to" for life - it even discusses how to maintain financial stability. Overall I think that this book is a worthwhile read. It discusses many helpful topics, especially in the section that covers parenting. This book also covers what they call "climbing your life ladder", which is interesting. Your life is basically split up into three acts, each with a season, "to learn", "to earn", and "to return", and discusses going through each of these phases.
I would give this book a 4/5. I thought that it offered a lot of practical and prudent advice and information for living a life of faith and being able to pass on some of your own legacy to the next generation. The book itself was long, and it definitely took some time to read through. But, it is easy split up into chapters, so if you aren't a parent, for example, it would be easy to skip those chapters and continue on.
FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from BookCrash.com's blogger program. I was not obligated to write a positive review.
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